Strategic Plan

strategic-plan-venn-1.png?set=content_smA strategic plan guides the Council, staff and community partners in how it will spend, operate and deliver services to the community, charting the steps necessary to get there. This plan incorporates a long-term strategic vision for the community which will provide continuity beyond each term of Council and will become a living document. This plan will guide what Mulmur builds, protects, and what it will become over the next century. Council will refresh and evaluate the plan’s priorities, actions and the incremental contributions towards the long-term vision.

The Strategic Plan identifies three Focus Areas, each having an array of goals, action items and KPI’s to ensure success. The three Focus Areas are:

It’s in our Nature: Live

We commit to providing a balanced community and providing quality services. We will encourage increased community building and respectful social interactions to enrich the lives of Mulmur residents. We will provide a range of communications and facilities to promote play, growth, connection, active living and recognize the changing demographics of Mulmur.

It’s in our Nature: Work

We commit to fostering a prosperous local economy that serves Mulmur’s community and provides for local employment. We will proactively attract new investment opportunities, and work with Mulmur businesses, industries and institutions to retain, expand and enable local opportunities.

It’s in our Nature: Grow

We commit to developing a framework to shape our Township in a manner that protects our agriculture, natural resources and our rural character. We will embrace technology, support energy conservation, climate change mitigation and assess environmental impacts in our decision-making process to grow the Township in a sustainable manner.