Active Cemeteries
There are two active cemeteries within Mulmur Township.
Honeywood Cemetery
Location: 598335 2nd Line West (West Half Lot 26, Concession 2 WHS)
For information contact honeywoodcemetery@gmail.com or
Harold Ritchie (519) 925 6372
The columbarium's are in use now and available.
Cost: (+HST)
Top row $2,000.00
2nd row $1,800.00
3rd row $1,700.00
4th row $1,200.00
- Light grey granite with black polished niche doors.
- Niches are 12" wide, x 14" deep x 12" high allowing for 2 urns.
- The columbarium's are 100% granite with an aluminum niche interior privacy door.
Harold Ritchie Cemetery Caretaker @ 519-925-6372 or
Kim Fraser Secretary @ 250-939-2152
Mansfield Presbyterian Cemetery
Location: Mansfield Presbyterian Church at 936572 Airport Road (East Part Lot 10, Concession 6 EHS)
Inactive Cemeteries
There are eight inactive cemeteries in the Township of Mulmur maintained by the Township. All of the inactive cemeteries are included on the Township's Register of Cultural Heritage Properties.
The Township will issue tax receipts for donations. Please consider assisting us financially in the maintenance and restoration of these lasting tributes that have historical importance.
For for further information on burials, visit www.ontarioobits.com/genealogy/cemetery
Banda Methodist Cemetery
Location: 828262 Mulmur/Nottawasaga (Clearview) Townline west of Airport Road
Methodist church built in 1867 and closed in 1897
Land donated for cemetery to church in 1869 by J. Clemenger
Campbell Family (Private) Cemetery
Location: 836052 4th Line East just north of Highway #89
Christ Church Anglican Cemetery (Whitfield Anglican)
Location: 677002 Centre Road & 10 Sideroad
Church built by members of congregation in 1874
All of the stones but one were moved in 1970 and arranged by height
Last burial in 1922
Whitfield United Church Cemetery (Whitfield Methodist)
Location: 676586 Centre Road south of 10 Sideroad
Exact site of former church is unknown
No tombstones remain from the small cemetery on the former church property
Mulmur Pioneer (Methodist) Cemetery
Location: 876089 5th Line EHS north of Highway #89
Perm Methodist Cemetery
Location: 588004 4th Line EHS & 10 Sideroad
Church built in 1871 and was demolished in 1925
Cemetery laid out in 1871
Primrose Presbyterian Cemetery
Location: 676328 Centre Road north of 5 Sideroad
Presbyterian Church built in 1867 and closed in 1925
Additional land purchased in 1895
Last Burial 1961
Members went to Horning’s Mills, Knox Presbyterian and Primrose United Primrose Cemetery
St. Luke's Anglican Cemetery
Location: 956046 7th Line EHS north of Highway #89