Attending Council

Deputation Requests

Council Deputations: Deputations desiring to appear before Council shall give notice, in writing, to the Clerk no later than seven (7) days prior to the meeting.

Committee Deputations: Deputations desiring to appear before a Committee or Board shall give notice, in writing, to the Committee or Board Secretary no later than seven (7) days prior to the meeting.

Every written communication, including petitions and deputations to be presented, shall be legibly written or printed and shall not contain any obscene or improper matter and/or language. The topic to be discussed must be indicated as well as any questions that would be asked in order to have the appropriate response to any inquiries.  Submission of a deputation form does not automatically guarantee a deputation.

Each delegation shall be limited in speaking to not more than fifteen (15) minutes except that a delegation consisting of more than five (5) persons shall be limited to two (2) speakers, each limited to speaking not more than ten (10) minutes.

Any communication, whether written or verbal, is considered to be the property of the corporation.  All deputation requests and information provided, if accepted, are considered public information and may be included in the Public Agenda Package which is published on our website.