
The annual municipal budget process begins in late summer/early fall of each calendar year.  This process includes a review of the fees and charges, grants to community groups, changes in service levels, 10 year capital forecast, operating and capital requirements.

Council reviews the draft budget and holds a public meeting before approving the budget in January or February.  Check out the Township's Fiscal Policy for further details on the budget process. 

Current and previous municipal budget packages are available below:

Note: Budget amendments may occur at any time throughout the year. Check Council agendas for specific mention of budget discussions.

Fiscal Policy

The Township of Mulmur is committed to being fiscally responsible to its ratepayers. This policy outlines the standards by which Council will operate to achieve fiscal responsibility and includes Council’s Fiscal philosophy, Taxation Policy, Municipal Act Compliance, and the Budgeting Process.  View our Fiscal Policy here.

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