Paying My Bills

Sign up for e-Billing 

Taxes provide the main source of revenue to deliver services supplied by the Township, the County of Dufferin and school boards.  Annual tax rates are set and applied to each tax class. The tax levy is then calculated by applying the taxuntitled-design-1.png?set=content_tiny rate to the assessed value of the property.


The 2024 tax due dates:

February 21
May 22
August 21
October 23

Payment Options

Payments may be paid with cash, cheque, debit card, online banking, and Pre-authorized Payment (for taxes and water only).

Credit card payments are only accepted online through Paymentus. Please see below for more information.

We do not accept credit cards at the Municipal Office or over the phone. 

Online Banking

To pay with online banking 

  1. Log into your personal bank account.
  2. Select add a payee
  3. Search for "Mulmur" 
  4. Select the tax option
  5. Use your 19-digit tax roll number (no spaces or dashes)

To pay water and other bills (not taxes):

  1. Follow steps 1 to 3 above.
  2. Select the utility/accounts receivable (AR) option, 
  3. Use your 5-digit account number.

Pre-authorized Payments (PAP)

To sign up for PAP, complete the application forms below.  Please note to register for the PAP program your account must be in good standing.

Mulmur Tax PAP Application Form
Mulmur Water PAP Application Form

Payment by Debit or Credit Card 

  • Payments can be made with a debit card at the Municipal Office.
  • We do not accept credit cards at the Municipal Office or over the phone.

  • PAYMENTUS is a secure processing service which allows you to use your credit card or debit card to pay your property taxes, water bills or other bills.
  • Be advised that PAYMENTUS will charge you a service fee of 2.5% on the total amount of your transaction for credit card payments and 1.5% for debit card payments.  For example, a $1,000 payment by credit card will cost you an extra $25.00 in PAYMENTUS service fees.
  • Visit PAYMENTUS to make a payment online or call them at 1-888-647-0211 to pay over the phone.
  • Click here to make an online credit card or debit card payment via the PAYMENTUS processing service.

Sign up for e-Billing

Tax Certificates:

A tax certificate is a legal document that shows the annual property taxes and any current or prior arrears for a property. Tax certificates are typically requested by a lawyer during a property transfer or purchase.

Request a Tax Certificate

To request a tax certificate, please complete a Tax Certificate Request form and drop it off or mail it to:

Township of Mulmur
758070 2nd Line East
Mulmur, ON  L9V 0G9

We will do our best to process your request within five business days.


It costs $75 to submit a tax request. Please make all cheques payable to the Township of Mulmur.  


Payment in full must be received by the Township Office by the due date to avoid interest and penalty charges. A charge of 1.25% calculated on all outstanding amounts will be applied on the first day of each calendar month there after.  The Township is not responsible for mail or banking delays.

Failure to receive your tax notice does not relieve the taxpayer from payment nor from liability of penalty for late payment. lt is the owner's responsibility to notify the Township of any changes to their account.

NSF charges will apply to dishonoured payments and will be collected in the same manner as taxes.
It is the owner's responsibility to forward tax bills to a bank, insurance, or mortgage company if taxes are to be paid by the mortgagee.

The tax collector has no authority to waive or alter penalty and/or interest for any reason.

Tax Rates:

To calculate the total taxes:  Assessment value x applicable tax rate = Total Taxes

Section 357 (1) of the Municipal Act

Upon application to the Treasurer, in accordance with this section, the local Township may cancel, reduce or refund all or part of the taxes levied on land in the year in respect of which the application is made.
There are various reasons for tax adjustments under Section 354, 357, 358 and 359 such as property becoming exempt, roll numbers being cancelled by MPAC, buildings that have been demolished or razed by fire or demolition and properties that have been over-assessed by a gross or manifest clerical error. These tax adjustments do not relate to collection issues.
The Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC) assists with processing municipal tax applications by providing municipalities with the information they need to help Council determine whether a refund, cancellation, reduction, or increase is warranted. 


Questions about your Property Assessment Notice?

Contact MPAC Customer Service for Property Assessment Inquiries

MPAC is the organization that classifies and assesses all properties in Ontario under the Assessment Act, and regulations established by the Provincial Government.  An assessment increase does not necessarily mean that your property taxes will increase. If you feel your assessed value or property classification is not correct, the deadline to file for a Request for Reconsideration (RfR) or an Appeal is March 31 of the tax year.

The assessed value of your property is used as the basis for calculating your property taxes.

For information on your assessment for the current taxation year or how MPAC assesses properties you may contact the Municipal Property Assessment Office (MPAC) at 1-866-296-6722.

Tax Relief Low Income Seniors & Low Income Persons with Disabilities

The Council of the Corporation of the County of Dufferin has passed a by-law providing for relief of property tax increases on property in the residential/farm property class for owners (or spouses or same-sex partners of owners) who are low-income seniors or low-income persons with disabilities. 

You MUST apply before November 30 of the year in which the property tax increase relates.

Download Application

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