Emergency Services
You should call 9-1-1 during any emergency where people or property are at risk.
To report an OPP non-emergency incident call 1-888-310-1122
Sign up on Dufferin County's website to receive emails regarding watches, warnings and notices in the event of an emergency.
To prepare your household for an emergency consult the Emergency Preparedness Guide provided by Public Safety Canada.
Road Closures:
Find out about Dufferin County road closures through any of the following methods:
TWITTER: Follow Dufferin Roads @DufferinRoads
TEXT: Send a text to 40404 with the message "Follow @DufferinRoads"
EMAIL: Sign up for email notifications on Dufferin County's website
PHONE: call 519-941-2816 press 1, then 2
Ontario Provincial Police (OPP)
Provides services in relation to the preservation of peace, prevention of crime and offences against the laws in force in Ontario and the criminal laws in Canada, and apprehension of criminals and offenders who may be lawfully taken into custody
Offers police record check service. No cost for those volunteering but require proof of volunteering by a letter to the office
Provides Victim Service referrals.
Toll Free: 1-888-310-1122 - Non emergency
Office: 519-925-3838
Crisis: 9-1-1
Fax: 519-925-6462
TTY: 888-310-1133 - Non emergency
Web Site: http://www.opp.ca
Dufferin Paramedic Service
The Headwaters Health Care Centre is the license holder of the Dufferin County Paramedic Service (DCPS) and has been a provider of land ambulance for more than 50 years. The Service operates with 3 stations: Headquarters located in Orangeville and satellite stations in Shelburne and Grand Valley.
The Dufferin County Paramedic Service provides defibrillation, symptom relief, and I.V. therapy on all vehicles. DCPS also has Advanced Care Paramedics on selected vehicles. Currently, more than 40% of our staff are trained as Advanced Care Paramedics.
Office: 519.941.9608
Location: 325 Blind Line, Orangeville, ON L9W 4W9
Fire Stations Serving Mulmur Township
Chief Mat Waterfield
706116 County Rd 21, Honeywood
519-925-6481 (Hall #)
Rosemont District
Chief Mike Blacklaws
955716 7th Line E, Mono
705-435-3417 (Hall #)
Shelburne & District
Chief Ralph Snyder
114 O'Flynn Street, Shelburne
519-925-5111 (Hall #)
Mulmur Township does not issue burn permits. Rather, all burning must be undertaken in accordance with the Open Air Burn By-Law. Fines apply is burning is not done in accordance with the Township By-laws. Fire Area Map