Common Questions

Environmental and Waste Management 

waste-set-out-cropped.jpgDufferin County is responsible for the overseeing of all waste disposal services and can be contacted at: 

Phone:  519-941-2816 ext. 2620 

Reporting Pollution 

  • If there is any polluting of the environment, such as dumping or contaminating the land, call Spill Action Center 1-866-MOE-TIPS (1 866 663 8477)
  • For non-emergency agricultural pollution concerns and manure management contact OMAFRA at 1-888-466-2372

Damaged Waste Bins

  • The Township Office has replacement green bins and kitchen compost bins.  There is no charge for replacing a damaged bin, but the damaged bin must be brought to the office.

Recycling Bins

For new or replacement Blue Boxes, please call GFL at 1.888.941.3345 ext. 1

Extra Waste 

  • The Township sells garbage bag stickers for those weeks when you have more than one clear bag.  Extra tags are $2. Any other questions about garbage, please contact Dufferin County.
  • Tags are available at the Township office and Maple Grove Market on Airport Road.

Missed Garbage Collection Day/ Waste Not Being Picked Up 

Building Permits, Sewage Systems and Water Connections

Fill Importation 

  • Generally importing of fill is not permitted.  The Township’s Fill By-law regulates the importing and exporting of fill within Mulmur Township, and may allow importation where it is appropriate and has been approved in accordance with a submission under the By-law.
  • Some projects that do not require a fill permit still require a Road Agreement (NEC approved projects, NVCA approved projects, building permits and septic permits, drainage works, agricultural projects (normal farm practices must apply), and projects less than 300m2 that are otherwise exempt.)
  • Projects that require a full application and permit: projects wishing to import or remove more than 300m3, fees, performance security ($1/m3), road deposit ($60-$100/ road meter), insurance, signed agreement.
  • The following site alteration activities are exempt:
  • Works for road and bridges, utilities and services, flood and erosion control and storm water management facilities; parkland development, walkways, trails, paths, fences, retaining walls, steps, and lighting, initiated by: Provincial or Federal Ministry or Department, County of Dufferin, Nottawasaga Valley Conservation Authority, Township or any local board of the Township
  • Site plan, a plan of subdivision, a consent or development permit
  • Driveway/ entrance works with an approved entrance permit and where the aggregate material is being imported from a licensed pit for the purposes of constructing a driveway.


  • Contact the NVCA to ensure you are not within a regulated area and seek guidance with best practices.  If you are within the NEC a permit may be required. Review the Township’s Fill By-law.  Section 4.1 of By-law 4-2015, Exemptions precludes the requirement for a permit.
  • Exemptions: e) on lands where no soil is being added or removed from the subject lands, but rather is being moved on the site, and the amount of soil being moved on the site does not exceed 300m3
  • Therefore, if you are removing the soil from the pond to an offsite location or the pond is large enough that there will be approximately 20 loads of fill removed (20’x50’x12’ pond), a permit is required.
  • If your property is located within the Niagara Escarpment Commission, you must first contact them to obtain a permit if required.


  • The Township’s Fence By-law allows the construction of fences.
  • Maximum 1.83m (6’) in height
  • Cannot obstruct visibility above 2’ on a corner lot.
  • Must not extend onto municipal Right of Way.
  • Does not require neighbor contribution.
  • No permit is required unless it is in conjunction with a pool.


  • The Township’s Fence By-law requires that all pools (3’ in depth or more) have a minimum 1.5m (4.92’) fence/ enclosure with proper latching.  Alternatively, where a pool is 1.35m (4.43’) above grade and is equipped with a lockable/ removeable ladder a fence is not required.  A municipal approval and building permit are required where there is a house or there could be a house built in the future within 200m of the pool.

Hot Tubs

  • A permit is not required to install a hot tub on your property.


Structures that do not exceed 15 m2 in size are exempt from the requirement to obtain a building permit and are also exempt from compliance with certain building codes.

To qualify for this exemption, the structure:

(a) is not more than 15 m2 in gross area,

(b) is not more than one storey in building height,

(c) is not attached to a building or any other structure,

(d) is used only for storage purposes ancillary to a principal building on the lot, and

(e) does not have plumbing

This amendment aims to simplify the regulatory process for smaller sheds, recognizing their limited impact on property and neighborhood dynamics.

Costs of Development 

  • Development charges are collected under the authority of the Development Charges Act, 1997.  Development Charges are fees collected from developers at the time of a building permit to help pay for the cost of infrastructure (capital costs) required to provide municipal services to new development, such as roads, infrastructure, community centers and fire and police facilities.  If you are demolishing a house and rebuilding it, there is no development charge applicable, provided permits are issued within 2 years. Please note that Township Development Charges are collected prior to the Township sign-off on a Building Permit, as well as County and School Board Development Charges collected by the County of Dufferin at the time of Building permit issuance.

Residing in a Trailer while Building on the Property

  • The Zoning By-law sets out, in section 3.3.7 and 3.3.8 the rules to temporary and permanent trailer occupancy. 
  • 3.3.7 Habitation in Camping Trailers and Recreational Vehicles
  • 3.3.8 Temporary Trailer Habitation during Dwelling Construction

Building a Garage Before a House 

  • Generally, garages cannot be built before the dwelling because garages and sheds are accessory to a residential use and are only permitted when there is a house constructed on the parcel.  Special exemptions may apply to agricultural sheds. 

 Section 3.2 of the zoning by-law provides provisions related to accessory structures, such as garages and sheds. 

  • Accessory Buildings and Structures on Vacant Lands

Permit to Construct or Demolish/ Water Connection/ Sewer Service 

  • You are required to go through Dufferin County to apply for all building and demolition permits. 
  • Please contact Public Works regarding Mansfield water connections.  Please visit our User Fees and Charges page for more information.
  • The Township does not operate any sewer services.  Mulmur is serviced generally by individual septic systems under the building code act and in some cases communal services.

Planning and Development 

Tree Removal website-1.png?set=content_large

  • By-law 47-2019 regulates the removal and injury of trees.  The By-law limits clearcutting of trees larger than 0.5ha and provides a process for purposeful proposals to remove trees. 

2.1 No person shall injure, destroy, or harvest any tree or undertake clearcutting on any parcel of land of an area larger than ½ hectare, prior to receiving approval from the Council.

2.2 Any person wanting to injure, destroy or harvest trees or undertake clearcutting of an area larger than ½ hectare on any parcel, for which an exemption is not provided under section 3.0 of this By-law, shall provide to the Municipality a proposal prepared by a certified arborist or forester including the following information:

  • i) A complete inventory of all the trees to be removed including the health, species, size, and location of each tree, and whether any of the species are rare, threatened, or endangered; and,
  • ii) a justification for the removal of the trees
  • Generally, the by-law does not apply to activities as part of an approved site plan, subdivision, aggregate license, normal farm practices (to a maximum of 2ha of minor squaring up), MNR activities, small properties (Less than 2ha), trees within 30m of a dwelling, personal, firewood use and harvesting of marketed tree.
  • Managed forest and tree cutting plans may be submitted to the Township for filing purposes only.

Building a Second Dwelling/ Apartment 

  • Section 3.3 of the Zoning By-law sets out the provisions for second dwellings.  Lots with 2ha or more of land can have a detached second dwelling with restrictions.  Smaller lots may be permitted to have attached dwelling units. 

Home Businesses/ Occupations 

  • Home industries are generally permitted on larger properties, being greater than 2ha and zoned Countryside area.  Home occupations are generally permitted on any property where there is a dwelling.
  • Section 5, Definitions defines home industries and home occupations as follows:

Any occupation conducted entirely within a building or part of a building accessory to a single detached dwelling house that includes light manufacturing, processing or assembly, small scale warehouse or a workshop. A Home Industry shall permit the storage of a contractor’s vehicles, equipment, and materials within a fully enclosed accessory structure.  A Home Industry shall not include a contractor’s yard.
HOME OCCUPATION: An occupation or profession related to the provision of services, carried on primarily by the occupant of a dwelling within his/her dwelling as an accessory use in connection with which there is no display, no stock in trade nor commodity sold upon the premises, which is not produced on the premises.
Restaurants, including take-out are not permitted as home occupations. However, a catering business is permitted.  All other permits, including health unit inspections are the responsibility of the owner.


  • The Township policy may allow consideration of up to three severances from an original 100-acre (40ha) parcel, provided that all other criteria can be fulfilled or addressed, including safe entrance, environmental protection, rural character, separation from barns, zoning provisions, agricultural land preservation and more.
  • Lot creation is generally not permitted within the NEC nor within the Agricultural designations.  Boundary adjustments may be considered where no new building lot is created.
  • Pre-consultation with NVCA is required where lands are partially regulated by the conservation authority.  Review of the Official Plans and provincial resources, including natural heritage feature mapping is required.
  • Pre-consultation with the Township is strongly encouraged, as there are many factors that must be considered before a severance can be supported.  Safe access, environmental protection, separation, and impact on agriculture are only a few of the considerations.

Boundary Adjustment/ Severance/ Minor Variance Applications

  • The application can be found on our website which you are able to email to us with the applicable fee so that we can process the application.

Township Office Services 


  • The Township offers many services and permits.  Our Schedule of Fees is on our website.  There is a nominal fee for photocopies.


  • The Township of Mulmur provides Commissioner of Oath services. We take affidavits and commission oaths and declarations. You are responsible for the content and correctness of the document you are getting commissioned. 
  • There is no fee for these services.

Business/ Special Events

Special Event Permits

 Racing is not permitted in the Township on private or public lands.
 A Special Event is an organized event capable of housing more than 50 people per day, that is not a race or rally, and may include sporting or leisure events, wedding hosting, fundraisers, permanent garage sales, flea markets, events requiring a special occasion permit, concerts, festivals, and community gatherings.  A special event may or may not charge an admission fee and may be for profit or not-for profit.
 A rally is a contest in which two or more persons attempt to operate their motor vehicles on public and/ or private land or on a highway so as to: complete a designated route in accordance with a set of instructions or complete a designated route in accordance with a set of instructions and in a specified period of time, or earn points or obtain awards or rewards based on how the motor vehicle is operated.
 A rally does not include a driving or sightseeing tour of the countryside, or a tour of fine homes, or a restaurant tour or birdwatching tour, or an artists or crafts tour or any other such similar, organized event on or involving a highway.
 Seasonal sales mean any building, structure that has not been approved through a municipal approval and building permit or a vehicle, trailer, tent, or cart that is intended to provide for the sale of food, beverages, or goods to the public on a seasonal basis.
 The following events are exempt from requiring a permit:

  • a) events organized by the Township;
  • b) events held at locations which are properly zoned and designated by the event;
  • c) events which are covered under a separate agreement with the Township, such as a facility rental agreement;
  • d) weddings hosted by a family member; family celebrations and family reunions; and
  • e) organized walks and runs

 Applications are required 60 days prior to events and must be accompanied by a non-refundable fee of $250.  The By-law sets out what is required to accompany the application.  Notification to the neighbors is required. 
 Section 8.2 sets out a fine in the amount of $2500 for failure to obtain a permit.

Hawkers and Peddlers 

  • By-law 03-2021 licenses, regulates, and governs vehicles/stands from which food and refreshments are sold by consumption to the public and to prohibit hawkers and peddlers within the Township of Mulmur. 

Noise/ Event Restrictions

  • By-law 28-2020 prohibits “noises likely to disturb the inhabitants”.  The Township may grant written permits to allow for noises, generally associated with events or amplified noise.
  • Application must include the date, time, type and level of noise, number of guests, event, and must be received at least thirty days prior to the planned event.
  • If a neighbor is disturbed by noise, even if an exemption has been granted, neighbors are directed to call the OPP.

Finance/ Taxes

Methods of Payment 

  • The Township does accept credit card, debit credit card, cash, cheque, and payments made through online banking or e-transfer. 
  • We offer pre-authorized payments.  The application gives you an option to pay monthly or in installments on the installment due dates, we require that you attach a void cheque with the application so that we are able to set this up. 
  • You can pay online by signing into your bank account and setting up a payment just like you would for any other bill payment.  You can find us by searching the Payee “Mulmur” and then two options will appear.  If you are paying your taxes, you should select the Tax Option and use the 19-digit roll number which is located on your tax bill.  For all other payments, choose Utility/AR and use the five-digit account number located on your bill.  If the payment is for something miscellaneous such as dog tags, the account number to use is 00150.

Tax Installment Due Dates 

  • Your interim tax bill is sent out in January of each year and is always 50% of your taxes from the previous year.  Payments are split into two installments - one due in February, the other in May.  Your final tax bill is sent out in July and is calculated by taking the tax rate and multiplying it by your assessment.  Your interim amount is then deducted from the final tax amount.  Those payments are also split into two installments - one due in August and the other in October.  Penalty and interest are charged at a rate of 1.25% per month and added at the beginning of the month. 
  • Tax Installment dates for the year can be viewed on our website

Municipal Community Grant 

  • The Municipal Community Grant application is due annually by February 1, and then the applications are brought forward to Council for approval.  The application is available online and can either be sent to or mailed to the Township office.

Tax Incentive Programs 

  • We implement three tax incentive programs which include:

o Agricultural Farmland Tax Incentive, administered by Agricorp
o Conservation Land Tax Incentive Program administered by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry.
o Managed Forest Program administered by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry.

By-Law Enforcement 

By-law Enforcement Issues 

  • Any person can choose to exercise their rights to enforce our by-law through the justice (court) system.  The Township may choose to enforce its by-law through various means, including By-law enforcement visits, letters, orders, and court if the matter meets the Township’s threshold.
  • If you would like to file any kind of complaint, you can do so by using the form on our website.

Property Maintenance 

  • The Township Property Standards By-law 07-2006 applies to all lands within the Township.  It contains provisions related to:

 Property maintenance (section 4)

  • Keeping yards free of rubbish and debris (section 4.01)
  • Drainage and sewage (section 4.02)
  • General repair of fences and accessory structures (4.04)
  • Garbage (4.05)
  • General repair of signs (4.06)
  • Screening of storage/ scrap areas (4.07)

 Building standards (section 5)

  • Vermin (5.01)
  • Building standards (5.02)
  • Safe access (5.03)

The Township enforces the by-law based on legitimate, signed complaints being received.  Complaints for lands within the Niagara Escarpment will be forwarded to the NEC Enforcement Officer.

Pets, Snakes and Exotic Animals 

  • The Township’s Animal Care and Control Bylaw 53-2019 outlines which animals can be kept within the Township of Mulmur.  There is a list of Prohibited Animals and further all venomous and poisonous animals, arachnids, and reptiles as well as any animal (exotic, indigenous, domestic) which may pose a threat and/or danger to the public are strictly prohibited as well.


  • The Township does not regulate firearms.  If you think your neighbor is hunting out of season, contact the Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR).  If you believe at any time that you may be in danger or your neighbor is being careless with his/her firearm, contact the OPP.  Hunting is permitted in certain County Forest Tracts from October 1- May 1.  To do so you must obtain a license from the County of Dufferin for more information visit their website.

Public Works/ Roads

Speeding, Vehicle Racing or Unsafe Parking 

  • Call the OPP at 1 888 310 1122 (non-emergency) or 911 (emergency) for the following:

 illegal (criminal, dangerous, threatening, safety)
 highway traffic concerns (racing, stunt driving, speeding)
 Trail use or misuse concerns related to natural areas or parking associated with parks.

  • Bruce Trail Conservatory
  • MNR of MNR parks (Boyne Park, Pine River Fisheries)
  • County of Dufferin for County forests

ATVs on Township Roads

  • The Township of Mulmur has a Bylaw that prohibits the use of Off-Road vehicles.
  • ATVs are not permitted on Township roads.
  • ATV use of Township roads can be reported to the OPP


  • Snowmobiles are permitted on all roads in accordance with the Highway Traffic Act
  • There are also other trails that are on private property, but a license with the trail association is required.
  • Do not drive on private property or farm fields, especially wheat fields, where you can do significant damage.
  • Snowmobiling off trail is trespassing.

Mailbox Damaged by Snowplow

  • The Township of Mulmur is not responsible for damages caused by vandals or from flying snow and ice from the wing of the snowplow.  On occasion due to poor visibility or oncoming traffic, the Township plows may hit a mailbox.  If this occurs and can be verified that the plow did hit the mailbox, the Township of Mulmur will repair the damages to the mailbox/ post or replace it with a standard metal mailbox.  “The boxholder is responsible for ensuring that snow and garbage, as well as parked vehicles and other obstructions do not block access to the mailbox.  The boxholder must also ensure that the box and post are in good repair.  Your mailbox must be cleared of all items regularly to allow easy service by the contractor.” (Canada post Rural Mail Delivery Policy)

Location of the Mailbox

  • “Canada Post identifies the exact location for your rural mailbox.  The face of the mailbox should be installed closer to the road than the rounding of the shoulder.  The bottom of the box should be 105 cm (42 inches) above the roadway.” (Canada Post Rural Mail Delivery Policy) visit for more information.

Road Complaints and Information Required 

  • For road complaints contact:  Public Works at 705-440-0582
  • Information which must be provided: name of road, ensure the road is a Township not a County road, location (green # if known), complaint, does it endanger the motoring public.
  • If the complaint is of serious nature and none of the above can be reached, any staff can call on the radio to Public Works to provide the information to the proper person.  This can happen due to poor cell phone reception in Mulmur

Motor Vehicle Accidents 

  • Ensure that you take the location and name of the road.
  • Contact the O.P.P (911)
  • Notify Public Works at 705-440-0582


Licensing of Dogs

  • By-law 53-2019 provides for the keeping, controlling, and licensing of dogs.

 All dogs (weekender or permanent) require a dog tag annually (section 2)

  • Other provisions you should be aware of:

 4c) The running at large of dogs in the Municipality is prohibited.  If there is a dog at large within the Township and no owner is present, this should be reported to AgapiK9 Inc. at 519-942-1508
 4d (i) No owner shall allow his/ her dog to become a nuisance by excessive barking or howling.  Any person aggravated by such a nuisance may appear before a Justice of the Peace and swear out information charging such Owner with a breach of this Section.

  • The by-law includes licensing for kennels and minimum standards of care.
  • The Township charges dog owners without dog tags for canine control services in relation to an unlicensed dog and in accordance with the By-law

Registering for a Dog Tag 

  • You can obtain a dog license by filling out our application form either in person or by mail and submitting the appropriate fee for up to three dogs.  We will issue you the tag(s) when we receive payment.


Fire Permits 

  • Mulmur Township does not issue burn permits, but you are expected to be familiar with and follow the Fire Burning By-law 18-2023
  • Additionally, you are expected to contact your local Fire Department if you are unsure of whether a burn ban is in effect.  If a total fire ban is in effect, there is NO outdoor burning. 
  • If you burn in contravention to the by-law or during a burning ban or create a fire requiring fire response services, you may be responsible for the full costs of first responders. 

Fire Area Map 

  • There are three Fire Stations which serve the Township of Mulmur including Mulmur- Melancthon, Rosemont, and Shelburne
  • Please view our Fire Map to determine which District you reside in

Livestock and Farming 

Backyard Chickens By-law 

  • By-law 19-2018 regulates coops and the requirements for hen husbandry.
  • Outside of the Countryside and Rural Residential zones, a maximum of 4 hens are permitted, subject to the following:

 1. No coop and management shall be in accordance with any Backyard Hen By-law, as amended or replaced.
 2. No rooster shall be permitted.
 3. MDS shall not apply.
 4. There is a single detached dwelling on the property and the coop complies with section 3.2 (Accessory Structures), and the minimum setbacks of 3m to any lot line.
 5. The coop and any run (associated outdoor fenced area) shall only be permitted in the rear yard.


  • A horse is permitted where an agricultural use is permitted in the zoning by-law.  Generally, a horse is permitted in the Countryside (A) zone, on parcels with a minimum of 2ha.

Livestock Facilities 

  • All livestock facilities (other than a hen coop for a maximum of 4 hens) shall comply with (Minimum Distance Separation (MDS) See the OMAFRA website for more information.
  • Farm Data Sheets for conducting MDS are also on our website and through Ministry Agri Suite downloadable software.  The Township will undertake the calculations as part of a pre-consultation process. Fees apply.
  • Nutrient Management Plans / Strategies are required for livestock buildings and manure storage facilities with greater than 5 Nutrient Units.  Contract OMAFRA for complete regulations

Agricultural Land not Being used to Farm 

  • The Township does not have a by-law that will force a landowner to crop farmland.  If the land is not currently being farmed, you are not eligible for a Farm Tax Rebate.
  • If you are aware of this situation, you can report them to the Township or OMAFRA/Agri-Corp