Winter Parking

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NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that: No vehicle shall be parked on any street, road allowance, sidewalk or municipal parking lot within the Township of Mulmur during the winter season from December 01, 2022 to March 31, 2023.

Vehicles parked or abandoned on any Township road allowance or parking lot so as to obstruct snow removal equipment, will be referred to the Ontario Provincial Police and removed at the owner’s expense.

The Township of Mulmur and/or its employees will not be liable for any damage done by snow removal equipment to vehicles parked or abandoned on the road allowance, or damage caused to vehicles by removal operations.

Anyone guilty of depositing snow or ice on Township roads, causing an obstruction to traffic or damage to the motoring public is liable for damages caused, and may be charged under The Ontario Highway Traffic Act.  (R.S.O. 1990, c. H.8, s. 181.)

Public Works Department
Township of Mulmur
758070 2nd Line East  Mulmur, Ontario L9V 0G8
Phone: (705) 466-3341 X 224