Committee Members Needed!
Committee Members Wanted!
The Council of the Township of Mulmur will be making citizen appointments to the below listed Local Boards & Committee at its meeting on Wednesday, February 1, 2023. Anyone interested in serving on any of the below Boards & Committee, please send your completed application form to the Deputy Clerk at
Applications must be received no later than 12 noon on January 18, 2023 The term of office for most positions is concurrent with the term of Council, being four years (ending on November 14, 2026), or as determined by Council.
We are looking for citizen representation on the following committees:
- Mansfield Parks Committee (2 members, with at least one being from the Mansfield Area)
- North Dufferin Community Centre Board (3 members)
- Police Services Board (1 member)
- Economic Development Committee (4 members)
Summary of Qualifications, Duties and Responsibilities:
Board/Committee Members must be at least eighteen (18) years of age, a Canadian Citizen, a resident, owner, co-owner of land, or tenant within the Township of Mulmur and not employed by the Board or the Municipality. Members will be required to attend meetings and special meetings as set or deemed necessary by the Board/Committee.
For more information on any of the Boards and Committee, please contact the Township Office at 705-466-3341.
Please forward completed applications to:
Corporation of the Township of Mulmur
Attention: Roseann Knechtel, Deputy Clerk
758070 2nd Line East
Mulmur, ON L9V 0G9